The calculator below can be used to calculate maximum stress
and deflection of beams with one single or uniform distributed loads.
Maximum stress in a beam with uniform load supported at both ends can be calculated as
The maximum stress in the beam can be calculated
Beam Supported at Both Ends, Uniform Load

Maximum Stress

σ = y q L2 / (8 I) (1)
σ = maximum stress (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi)
y = Distance of extreme point off neutral axis (m, mm, in)
q = uniform load per length unit (N/m, N/mm, lb/in)
L = length of beam (m, mm, in)
I = moment of Inertia (m4, mm4, in4)
- 1 N/m2 = 1x10-6 N/mm2 = 1 Pa = 1.4504x10-4 psi
- 1 psi (lb/in2) = 144 psf (lbf/ft2) = 6,894.8 Pa (N/m2) = 6.895x10-3 N/mm2
δ = 5 q L4 / (E I 384) (2)Note! - deflection is often the limit factor in beam design. For some applications beams must be stronger than required by maximum loads, to avoid unacceptable deflections.
δ = maximum deflection (m, mm, in)
E = modulus of elasticity (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi)
Example - Beam with Uniform Load, Metric Units
A beam with length 5000 mm carries a uniform load of 6 N/mm2. The moment of inertia for the beam is 78125000 mm4 and the modulus of elasticity for the steel used in the beam is 200000 N/mm2. The height of the beam is 300 mm (the distance of the extreme point to the neutral axis is 150 mm).The maximum stress in the beam can be calculated
σ = (150 mm) (6 N/mm2) (5000 mm)2 / (8 (78125000 mm4))
= 36 N/mm2
= 36000000 N/m2 (Pa)
The maximum deflection in the beam can be calculated
δ = 5 (6 N/mm2) (5000 mm)4 / ((200000 N/mm2) (78125000 mm4) 384)
= 3.13 mm
Uniform Load Beam Calculator - Metric Units
- 1 mm4 = 10-4 cm4 = 10-12 m4
- 1 cm4 = 10-8 m = 104 mm
- 1 in4 = 4.16x105 mm4 = 41.6 cm4
- 1 N/mm2 = 106 N/m2 (Pa)
Uniform Load Beam Calculator - Imperial Units
Example - Beam with Uniform Load, English Units
The maximum stress in a "W 12 x 35" Steel Wide Flange beam, 100 inches long, moment of inertia 285 in4, modulus of elasticity 29000000 psi, with uniform load 100 lb/in can be calculated asσ = y q L2 / (8 I)The maximum deflection can be calculated as
= (6.25 in) (100 lb/in) (100 in)2 / (8 (285 in4))
= 2741 (lb/in2, psi)
δ = 5 q L4 / (E I 384)
= 5 (100 lb/in) (100 in)4 / ((29000000 lb/in2) (285 in4) 384)
= 0.016 in
Beam Supported at Both Ends, Load at Center

Maximum Stress
Maximum stress in a beam with uniform load supported at both ends can be calculated asσ = y F L / (4 I) (3)Maximum deflection can be expressed as
σ = maximum stress (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi)
y = Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis (m, mm, in)
F = load (N, lb)
L = length of beam (m, mm, in)
I = moment of Inertia (m4,mm4, in4)
δ = F L3 / (E I 48) (4)
δ = maximum deflection (m, mm, in)
E = modulus of elasticity (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi)
Single Center Load Beam Calculator - Metric Units
Single Center Load Beam Calculator - Imperial Units
Example - Beam with a Single Center Load
The maximum stress in a "W 12 x 35" Steel Wide Flange beam, 100 inches long, moment of inertia 285 in4, modulus of elasticity 29000000 psi, with a center load 10000 lb can be calculated likeσ = y F L / (4 I)The maximum deflection can be calculated as
= (6.25 in) (10000 lb) (100 in) / (4 (285 in4))
= 5482 (lb/in2, psi)
δ = F L3 / E I 48
= (10000 lb/in) (100 in)3 / ((29000000 lb/in2) (285 in4) 48)
= 0.025 in
Some Typical Vertical Deflection Limits
- total deflection : span/250
- live load deflection : span/360
- cantilevers : span/180
- domestic timber floor joists : span/330 (max 14 mm)
- brittle elements : span/500
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